Tuesday, April 7, 2009

The Missing Peice

It is only through Christ that we are able to find our true self, without him we are only living according to the plans that man has set forth for humanity. God's plans are not man's plans. We were created to bring glory to God, to glorify him in what we do. But somewhere,sometime that plan for us became distorted and we began to seek man's approval in all we do, and we forsook the plans that God had for us. We seek to please the one's that cause us the most pain, we strive to obtain acceptance with those that push us aside when we fail to abide by the rules they have set forth for us. We search for something that will make us happy , something that will refresh us, something that will somehow fill the empty spots in our lives,but we never seem to be able to find that something, simply because we are searching for the wrong thing. What we need most in our lifes is not a something, he is a someone and we don't need to search for him, because he is always their, but unlike man he will never push us into loving him. He waits paitently and calls us softly into his loving arms, he never judges us and he will never leave us, even in the darkest times when it seems like he has left, he hasn't he only stepped back a few steps to allow us the room to fall, because it is through the fall that we allow him to pick us up,wipe off the dust, bandage the wounds and help us to walk again. It is time that we stop striving to please man, man can do nothing. All humanity will one day bow before the one that we should strive to please Jesus Christ. If we would put as much effort into pleasing him, tending his flock, and building his kingdom as we do into what we do for man we wouldn't feel the need to search for something to fill the empty spot, because the spot would be filled with what God intended to fill it with since the beginning of time. His Love.

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