A flower can not bloom if it keeps being uprooted, it needs to be grounded and receive sunlight, water and care for it to grow into what God intended it to be. The same can be said of a Christian, they will never grow until they ground themselves in the things of Christ, soak up his word and stop putting everything else ahead of God. They need to plant themselves in a Church that will feed them the things they require in order to grow and stay their, It’s ridicules at all the Church Hoppers in today’s society, they hop from church to church because they want everything to fit them to a T. to that I must say, GET OVER YOURSELF. If God is telling you it’s time to move on from somewhere that is one thing, but if you’re just moving about because the walls aren’t the color you like, the music is to loud or long, the Pastor doesn’t wear a 3 piece suit or some other frivolous matter you need to check yourself, cause as long as you keep uprooting yourself and only get bits of Food and water you will remain at the same place you are at, and don’t wait and make the Pastor of the Church Bottle feed you on Sundays, you need Food and Water EVERYDAY, Discipline yourself to feed yourself.