God's heart beats for all nations, we were created to praise him. Through the things I write it is my prayer that People would begin to rise up and become the person God has created them to be. It is my prayer that strong holds will be broken and religious works would become extinct and that people would turn away from the powerless religions and turn to a Powerful God.
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Saturday, September 24, 2011
Are you Rooted?
A flower can not bloom if it keeps being uprooted, it needs to be grounded and receive sunlight, water and care for it to grow into what God intended it to be. The same can be said of a Christian, they will never grow until they ground themselves in the things of Christ, soak up his word and stop putting everything else ahead of God. They need to plant themselves in a Church that will feed them the things they require in order to grow and stay their, It’s ridicules at all the Church Hoppers in today’s society, they hop from church to church because they want everything to fit them to a T. to that I must say, GET OVER YOURSELF. If God is telling you it’s time to move on from somewhere that is one thing, but if you’re just moving about because the walls aren’t the color you like, the music is to loud or long, the Pastor doesn’t wear a 3 piece suit or some other frivolous matter you need to check yourself, cause as long as you keep uprooting yourself and only get bits of Food and water you will remain at the same place you are at, and don’t wait and make the Pastor of the Church Bottle feed you on Sundays, you need Food and Water EVERYDAY, Discipline yourself to feed yourself.
Friday, September 23, 2011
Do they know Hope?
Daily I sit looking out my window and I see people walk by and I just really got to wondering, out of all the people I see everyday in my own little corner of the world. how many of them really know Jesus?, how many of them are struggling with addictions/Depression?, How many of the kids Go home to a loving family?, how many don't?, what is their world like behind closed doors?
Has anyone told them they are loved? Has anyone told them they have a hope? Has anyone told them that hope is Jesus? Has any one told them?.................................. WILL YOU?
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
Be Still
All to often we get frustrated at the point we are at in our lives and we attempt to move from the place we are to the place we think we should be, never once stopping to enjoy life as it is in the moment. It is the rush to get from one point to another that causes us to miss out on life's simple joys. I know I am guilty of that I want so badly to be out of this season I am in now that I spend all my time trying to think of ways to move forward and when nothing seems to be working I tend to get frustrated and angry. The thing is God already knows the outcome so I should just stop struggling and enjoy life as I know it right now, and trust that in God’s perfect timing HE will promote me to the place HE desires me to be for the next season in my life. If you are struggling with where you are right now don’t try to do things in your own strength to advance to the next level because more times than not it’s when we try to climb the ladder on our own that we fall the hardest and then it takes even longer to reach the top. Trust God he has your life story in front of him, let him direct his story through you.
Back to Blogging
It has been quite a while since I have taken the time to post anything on here. Right now I am blank on the Poetry that I created this blog for in the first place, so I am letting everyone know now that this will be a smorgasbord of postings but over all it will still be and will always be Christ Centered Topics and Writings. If anyone has any topics they would like me to blog about send your suggestions to called2india@yahoo.com looking forward to getting back to this blogging thing. Until next time Go win someone to the Kingdom.