Saturday, April 11, 2009

Welcome Home

Jesus says " Welcome Home my Son".
Your work on earth is done
Come rest in me
Your life's journey is now complete.

You've made me proud son
You've Shown the light
You've been my Voice, my hands and my feet.

Come dance with me while the angels sing
You're free from the things that once held
you down.

You were my Voice, my hands and my feet
because of you many heard
because of you many changed
because you lived your life for me.

Welcome home son.

Welcome home.

in loving memory of Ted Mcinnis.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Microwave or Crock Pot?

Seriously are you a microwave or a crockpot Christian? This may sound like a crazy question but really think about it. A microwave is a quick fix solution, pop something in and in no time at all it's done, but how good is the quality? I know from experience i've fixed things in the micowave before and gone by the directions and then I set down to eat it and it still be cold inside. So many Christians are looking for a quick fix for everything, and they sell themselves short because of their impatience. They are hurried during their God time, because they want answers immedetily, if God don't answer in the time they've allowed they loose paitence and give up, they look good on the out side but deep within they are still cold. They haven't allowed God enough time to do what he desires to doin their lives. A crock pot on the other hand takes long to cook the food, but when it's finished, the outcome is amazing. The food has been allowed to marinate in the juice soaking it up and become what it was intented to be, we should be like that when it comes to God, we shouldn't put a time limit on him, he knows us better than we know ourselves. we should Marinate in his presence. soak up his word. and allow God to set the timer.
the end result will be amazing. So tell me are you a Microwave or a crock pot Christian?

Prepare for battle

Soldiers in Christ's army stand up and take your place
the battle is intensifying, can't you see? Look Around.
Abortions, Abuse, Robbery, Murder, their numbers grow
each day.
Kids by the thousands turning to gangs, for the love they seek at
home can't be obtained.
People getting high so they can forget about their pain.
Families torn apart,half of all marriages end in divorce
at least that's what statistics say.
Christians being silenced, we're told that we're not allowed to
pray at school, town meetings, or public sporting events.
Theirs more than this just look and see, but it want disappear if we act
like it's not their.
We as Christians need to rise up, quit playing around and take our positions on this battlefield.
It is not us that can change things but Christ that dwells inside us.
His love..
His compassion..
His forgiveness..
His tears..
His sweat..
His Pain..
His Torture..
His Blood..
His Death..
His Resurrection..

The Missing Peice

It is only through Christ that we are able to find our true self, without him we are only living according to the plans that man has set forth for humanity. God's plans are not man's plans. We were created to bring glory to God, to glorify him in what we do. But somewhere,sometime that plan for us became distorted and we began to seek man's approval in all we do, and we forsook the plans that God had for us. We seek to please the one's that cause us the most pain, we strive to obtain acceptance with those that push us aside when we fail to abide by the rules they have set forth for us. We search for something that will make us happy , something that will refresh us, something that will somehow fill the empty spots in our lives,but we never seem to be able to find that something, simply because we are searching for the wrong thing. What we need most in our lifes is not a something, he is a someone and we don't need to search for him, because he is always their, but unlike man he will never push us into loving him. He waits paitently and calls us softly into his loving arms, he never judges us and he will never leave us, even in the darkest times when it seems like he has left, he hasn't he only stepped back a few steps to allow us the room to fall, because it is through the fall that we allow him to pick us up,wipe off the dust, bandage the wounds and help us to walk again. It is time that we stop striving to please man, man can do nothing. All humanity will one day bow before the one that we should strive to please Jesus Christ. If we would put as much effort into pleasing him, tending his flock, and building his kingdom as we do into what we do for man we wouldn't feel the need to search for something to fill the empty spot, because the spot would be filled with what God intended to fill it with since the beginning of time. His Love.

Mixed Nuts

Have you ever been eating some mixed nuts? Have you ever noticed how there is always more peanuts than anything yet those are the ones that get left? What if God treated us like a bunch of mixed nuts only taking out the good one and leaving the rest. What if you are one of those little peanuts in Gods great big plan? You may be the smallest one in the group but God designed you just for one reason. You may even look like others in the group, but He still has a plan for you.

I choose adoption

Well as many of you know I was adopted at eleven months of age, although it was by my own grandparents, I still thank God that someone cared enough about me to give me a home, a family and a future. Since the age of 14 I made the decision to (when i'm ready) adopt my children. I believe that their are plenty of children out their that need a loving home, someone to say "I love you", and a chance in this world. I just went too one adoption website out of curiosity and i was shocked by what I seen,Imagine a place where children go to bed each night without being tucked in. Where babies cry and no one comes. A world without “Mom” or “Dad.” Image at age 15 or 18 putting a child out on the street with no place to call home, just because that’s the age when a child in most countries must leave foster care or the orphanage.

Nobody knows the actual number of kids growing up in orphanages or foster care, but estimates range from 33 million to more than 200 million. These children are abandoned, neglected and forgotten. Most are over-looked for adoption simply because they are older (more than six-years old) and people don’t believe they want to be, or can be adopted. These children are often stigmatized and discriminated against. Their futures are bleak at best, and without a caring adult in their lives, the outcomes are not good.

* 1 in 10 forgotten children will commit suicide as young adults
* Less than half will finish high school
* Many will end up incarcerated or will fall victim to prostitution

The Need in the USA

In the United States more than 140,000 children are waiting to be adopted. Each year, nearly 25,000 of these youth will end up leaving the system when they turn 18 with no family to support them for the future.

Studies have shown that four years after aging out of foster care:

* 25% have experienced homelessness
* 42% have become parents
* Less than 20% are completely self supporting

In the District of Columbia there are approximately 200 children in foster care who have a goal of adoption but do not have an identified adoptive family. Sixty-percent are age 13 or older.

In Los Angeles County, over 35,000 children receive child welfare services; 23,000 of them live in out-of-home care. Over 2,000 of these children will never be able to return home because they reside in long-term foster care with no alternatives. More than 600 children in foster care who have a goal of adoption but do not have an identified adoptive family.
It’s NOT okay.

think about it. I'm not saying everyone should go out and adopt a child,but I saying support those that do, not financial (unless you choose too) support them by you actions, encourage them, throw baby/Adoption showers, and keep them in your prayers. It will be the child that will thank you some day.

*Statistics from

Other Adoption websites:

Proud to be a Christian

Proud to be a Christian
By: Misty Gibson
Verse 1
If tomorrow I had to start over, with just this bible in my hands.
I'd thank the lord above that their was such a man, a man
that died for freedom, a man that died for a cause, a man that died
to save all those that are lost.
Well, I'm proud to be a Christian
where at least I know I'm free,
and I want forget the man who died and gave that right to me.
And I'll proudly stand up, and proclaim his word today.
No their ain't no doubt I love the man who died on calvery.
Verse 2
From the lakes of the Jordan river, to th hills of Galiee ,
across the plains of Judea, from sea to shining sea.
From Bethlehem to Nazereth, from the manger to the cross,
theirs joy in every Christians heart, and we can proudly stand and sing.

A diffrent I Love you

A diffrent " I love you"
By: Misty Gibson
People say I love you in many different ways.
In America, it's luv ya.
In Germany, they say ich leibre dich.
In France, its je t' aime.
In the Filipino it's mahal kita.
And in creole its mwen renmen ou.
But Jesus said i love you
with his arms opened wide,
hands nailed to the rugged cross, and
blood running down his

The Road

The Road
By: Misty Gibson
As I was walking down an old dirt road I somehow lost my way.
I tried to trace my steps back home,but it only led me farther astray.
I then began to wonder why, I had taken the trip alone.
I should have taken a guidebook and a friend to help along the way.
The old dirt road represents my life, that's lost it's way
many times.
I tried to do things on my own and not the way of God.
Until one day I realized I couldn't do it on my own.
I need the bible to help me along the way.
And a friend named Jesus to help me

The Battle

The Battle
By:Misty Gibson
I could hear the Lord saying as you almost reached the end,
your journeys almost through my child your battle
I will win.
I can look down upon your face, and see your getting tired,
so close your eyes my child and enter this
rest of mine.
I could hear the Lord saying as you almost reached the end,
Gibby's family, he's almost finished the race, and his battle
I will win.
As you took your final breath and left to go on home.
I could hear the father say.
Welcome home my good and faithful son.
Your battle I have won.

Written in Loving Memory of :
Gilbert L Fowler- November, 19th,1918-September,7th,2002

Also in memory of:
Brian Eugene Wilbanks Jr- September,17th,1992-July,15th,2003
James L.Gibson-December,6th,1939-October,2nd,2004

The Unborn Childs Plea

The unborn childs plea
By: Misty Gibson

I am a human being, so please don't think I'm nothing
and do away with me.
You see I am somebody and God's creating me.
I may not look like a baby right now,
but give me just a little, and soon you will see
the beauty that God has created.
Then if you see me and still can't decide weather you want me
in your life.
It'll be to late to throw me away.
So keep me forever or give me away,
if you keep me forever you want be upset,
I'll love you forever with a love you want regret.
If you give me away to another Mom, well I'll understand
that too.
I'll always hold a place in my heart for you.
Just please give me the chance to prove, that I'm
not a mistake, so love me forever
or give me

Like Us

Like us
By:Misty Gibson
Let me tell you a story about a man I know,
he was born in Bethelehem over two thousand years ago.
He was God's one and only son,
sinless one was he.
He walked in the flesh like you and me
but yet he was spot free.
Not an ounce of sin did he bare,
but yet he gave his all,
the day he took on the sins of man
and died upon the

Super Hero

Super Hero
By: Misty Gibson
I've found Jesus, he is my super hero
I've found Jesus,he can make the seasons change.
I found Jesus he is my super hero,
demon's tremble when they hear me speak his name.
There's a lot of superhero's in the world today.
Superman,Spiderman,Wonderwoman too,
though they do a lot of things, they can't compare
to this super hero that i've found.
Jesus walked on water, he turned water into wine,
he healed the sick and raised the dead,
but the greatest thing that Jesus did
is when he died and rose


By:Misty Gibson
It's time for this generation to rise and take a stand.
Time to start a revolution that will change the
hearts of men.
God has commanded us all to go and spread his word.
So let's begin now with the work that must be done.
It's time we take the gospel to a dry and thirsty nation.
So let's gather up our bibles and pray
God gives us strength,
to start a revolution that will change
the world in which we

We Youth

We Youth
By:Misty Gibson

We are a chosen generation and we're gonna take a stand.
We're not gonna stand by and let Satan destroy our land.
But it's time we come together and let
the whole world know that Jesus
is alive, alive forever more.
We're not gonna worry about what the world may think,
because we know they think we're weird.
But still we will stand and proclaim the words of the Lord.
Some may say that we're to young to rise and make a change.
But with the help of Jesus,
we youth will take a stand.

My Everything

My Everything
By: Misty Gibson

Lord you are my God, my King, my Everything,
and I'll never walk away, for you guide me
day by day.
You are the Prince of peace. The Lord of Lord's,
and you'll never leave my side, but you'll always be my guide.
My God, My King, My Everything.

The Lamb

The Lamb
By:Misty Gibson
Mary had a little lamb,
his name was Jesus Christ.
He lived without an ounce of sin,
but paid the ultimate price.
He was bruised for our transgressions
and crushed for our iniquities.
He was nailed to the cross with three
rusted nails to set the captive free.
The people thought that they had killed him,
they thought that Christ was dead,
they placed him in a borrowed tomb,
and then they turned their heads.
But God knew it had a purpose, and he knew
it wouldn't be long until the Son of God
would rise again,
and on the third day he arose.
Now he's in heaven waiting for the trumpet call.
That's when all his children will
Finally be at


By: Misty Gibson

You read it in the newspapers, and see it on the news
children killing children
how many more do we have to lose?
Their killing over video games,
their killing over shoes,
they seem not to care if they break
the golden rule.
They're carrying weapons to these war zones
they call our public schools.
You hear their parents talking, trying to figure out
where they went wrong,
it was when they took God out of the schools
and said he didn't belong.
So put God back into the schools
and you're sure to see a change,
because just because we left his side
his love remains the

At Least One

At least one
By: Misty Gibson

Their was a time when I was young and lost in my own sin
I tried to handle things on my own
but the walls kept
caving in.
At night I'd lay in the bed and think about the day
just trying to figure out if life was
worth living anyway.
It seemed I had no future and it looked like
no one cared all alone not
knowing that Christ was waiting there.
Now I believed in Jesus
and I knew he'd died for me
I went to church each Sunday
and even once got on my knees,
but still i didn't think that he would
save someone like me.
Until one day I heard a pastor
talking about Christ's love
and how no matter what you've done
you're covered by his blood.
And since that day I know that Jesus is
my king.
So when Gabriel blows the trumpet
to call all God's children home
I know their be at least
one standing at the

Saturday, April 4, 2009

God works in Mysterious ways

I'm not sure how everyone else feels, but I get over joyed when I see God take something that was not originally designed to further the kingdom and turn it into just that. I play a popular Game on the internet called yoville and their is a group of us Christians that are using it to spread the gospel and it is spreading like a wild fire, just last night their was I believe 10-15 people gathered together to talk about God and Praise him, and we have some that are right on the edge of totally surrendering their lives to Christ. It is an amazing thing, and God is getting all the glory for it. Keep us in your prayers as we continue to press forward with the Gospel and further the kingdom on the internet.