God's heart beats for all nations, we were created to praise him. Through the things I write it is my prayer that People would begin to rise up and become the person God has created them to be. It is my prayer that strong holds will be broken and religious works would become extinct and that people would turn away from the powerless religions and turn to a Powerful God.
Monday, March 30, 2009
God's Tools
A carpenter can't build a house without nails. A Baker can't make a cake without flour. A Barber can't complete his work without Sissors. A Musician can not play with out a instrument. Everything needs something else to be able to function and work properly. No matter how small something is it is important in it's own way. So it is with the body of Christ no matter how small you think you are, you are important and have a special place that God is using you in. Everyone can't be the Pastor God needs some to be Teachers and others to be Evanglist, some are called to be prophets and some are called to be apostles and that is only the main five areas that God uses people in. Maybe you are the person that Visits the sick or you might be the one that cleans the Church. Just know that where ever God has you right now is where he is wanting to use you, so don't get discouraged God and only God will Promote you when it is time.We are all tools in God's tool shed and we all must work together to build his Kingdom.
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Dig Deep
When a planter plants a tree he doesn't just scrape a little dirt off the top and set the tree down. He digs a hole big enough for the base of the tree to sit in so that it doesn't topple over and so their is room for the roots to grow and strengthen the Tree.
Likewise we as Christians need to be both like the planter and the tree, just scraping up the bits and peices of God's word that seem appealing to us is not enough to keep us from toppling we need to plant ourselves firmly in God's Word. Studying to show ourselves approved unto God, a workman that need not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.Much like trees become mature because of water and sunlight.We also become mature by soaking up God's Word . It is through studying that our roots in Christ are made stronger and we become mature Christians.
Likewise we as Christians need to be both like the planter and the tree, just scraping up the bits and peices of God's word that seem appealing to us is not enough to keep us from toppling we need to plant ourselves firmly in God's Word. Studying to show ourselves approved unto God, a workman that need not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.Much like trees become mature because of water and sunlight.We also become mature by soaking up God's Word . It is through studying that our roots in Christ are made stronger and we become mature Christians.
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Choose a Team
Whose team are you on? Who's Jersey do you wear? Who is Your Coach? What Position do you play? Sound Familiar? Some Would think I am Speaking of Baseball but No not at all. What I want to know is are you on Jesus' team? Do you wear the armor of God? Is God your Coach, do you seek him for your next play do you trust in him and follow his directions? Are you planted firmly in the call on your life, do you spread the Good News to those around you? Or do you pick and chose when living a christian life is beneficial to you? Do you only seek him when you struggle? The Bible says no man can serve two masters. The end is Very near. Pick your team. In Case you need some help deciding here's a little piece of advice. Jesus' Team Wins!!!!!!!
Still the choice is yours. It is my prayer that you will decide to become a part of Jesus' Team, oh yeah theirs also no fees to join Jesus already paid for you to join his team. If you want to be a part of Team Jesus' say the following Prayer and mean it and you will never be the same.
Dear Jesus,
I am a sinner, I am sorry for running from you.
I am ready to come home and be the person you created me to be.
I accept your free gift of salvation. I believe you died for my sins
Create in me a New Heart. I Love you Lord.
Thanks for Saving me and starting me on a new Path.
Welcome to Team Jesus. Find your self a Good Bible Preaching Church and Godly Friends and Plant your self in God. You will never be the same again.
Still the choice is yours. It is my prayer that you will decide to become a part of Jesus' Team, oh yeah theirs also no fees to join Jesus already paid for you to join his team. If you want to be a part of Team Jesus' say the following Prayer and mean it and you will never be the same.
Dear Jesus,
I am a sinner, I am sorry for running from you.
I am ready to come home and be the person you created me to be.
I accept your free gift of salvation. I believe you died for my sins
Create in me a New Heart. I Love you Lord.
Thanks for Saving me and starting me on a new Path.
Welcome to Team Jesus. Find your self a Good Bible Preaching Church and Godly Friends and Plant your self in God. You will never be the same again.
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Prodigal One

I run far away but you're their through it all.
With your arms wide open, you welcome me home
and shower me with love
Prodigal one am I
I stumble I fall trying to escape it all but you find me
lift my eyes and wipe the tears away. You pick me up and teach
me to walk again
Prodigal one am I
I was a Prodigal I ran far from home, seeking my own way
trying out my wings. I used up all I had , I swallowed my Pride and came
back home and through it all you greeted me with open arms.
Prodigal one am I
Are you running, did you fall, Swallow your pride and come back home
Jesus is here, he does not condemn. His arms are wide open he will wipe away the tears.
Run to him, he will greet you with Love
Prodigal one you are.
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Get Violent
Today as my dog was playing outside she suddenly got mad at her ball and proceeded to violently shake it, she was bound and determined to show that ball who was boss. She had focused her full attention upon the ball and nothing else was going to distract her from it. It amazes me that a 15 week old dog can open up my eyes to the ways of God. And show me through her playing things he would have me to share with the world. God says it is time we get so mad at satan that we take him and shake him with all of our strenghth, a slap on the hand isn't good enough anymore, in fact it was never good enough.At the same time we also need to be so focused on Christ that nothing that comes to distract us will provel so rooted in the ways of God that nothing can move us. If we plant our selfs firmly in God then when the devil comes to attack, he will not be able to get a hold on us, rather it will be us who violently shakes him until he cowers away back to his rightful place in Hell, unable to move or distract us from our place in Christ.
Thursday, March 19, 2009
At times a Rope can be a helpful tool because it allows us to safely get from point A to point B with out falling but when the rope prevents us from getting any where it becomes a problem. The Rope then becomes a nuisance as it gets in the way of our destiny's and instead of helping us to move forward in life and in the Journey God has placed before us, it holds us back. We get so caught up trying to hold on to our ropes that we tend to only focus on the rope and making sure nothing happens to it. Some people only have one rope, but most of us have many and they pull us in all direction yet never take us anywhere. Ropes would be anything that takes the Place of a Relationship with Jesus Christ. God says it's time to cut the ropes, stop holding on to the things of this world that have no meaning that gives no life and let go of the ropes and Grab on to him. He will Hold you, he will keep you from falling. Ropes wither and become useless but the Grace, the Peace, the Love of Jesus will never Lose it's power.
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